【沼田高校さんへの平和学習】English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【沼田高校さんへの平和学習】English below

【沼田高校さんへの平和学習】English below

テーマは”平和 x 〇〇”。



PCV members visited Numata High School to hold a peace culture workshop.

The theme of the workshop was “Peace x _____”. Each student was challenged to think of what they would insert into the blank—one of their passions, values or talents— in order to reflect on how they can create peace culture in their own unique way.

Students also spent time reflecting on their values and listening to the values of their classmates. We think they l learned a lot of new things about each other that we hope will blossom into deep, meaningful conversation in the future.

Thank you so much to the teachers and students!

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