【オンライン平和学習@メリーランド, ボルティモア大学】English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【オンライン平和学習@メリーランド, ボルティモア大学】English below

【オンライン平和学習@メリーランド, ボルティモア大学】English below

先週、PCV共同創設者のメアリーは、平和文化とその構築についてメリーランド, ボルティモア大学の学生と対話しました。





メリーランド, ボルティモア大学の学生、先生方、スタッフの皆さん、素晴らしいイベントをありがとうございました!

Last week, PCV cofounder Mary had the privilege of dialoguing with students from University of Maryland, Baltimore County about building a peace culture.

The students had recently watched The Vow from Hiroshima, a documentary about the life of atomic bomb survivor and world-renowned activist Setsuko Thurlow.

They were curious about peace careers abroad, the concrete outcomes of PCV’s work, and awareness of global issues among Japanese young people.

Inspired by hibakusha like Setsuko Thurlow, the students thought about how they could use their unique passions and talents to create a peace culture.

One participant, a bee-keeper, wanted to spread a peaceful message while learning from the natural behaviors of bees, while another, an animator, talked about how animation could be used to raise awareness and critical thinking.

Thank you so much to the students, professors, and staff at University of Maryland, Baltimore County for the energizing event! @hoogenboomtomoko

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